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the story of the people who experienced the World Cup in Mexico in 1970
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Down Mexico Way
Mexico in 1970 by Colin McGlashan
World Cup 1970 Timeline
1: Being There
2: Me, Football and England
3: 1966 and All That
4: The Plan to go to Mexico
5: We’re on our Way!
6: Guadalajara
7: And the Folks Back Home
8: The England Party
9: The Tournament Begins…
10: England v Romania…
11: Between England Games
12: Adventures in Puerto Vallarta
13: England v Brazil…
14: The England Fans
15: England v Czechoslovakia
16: And So To Leon
17: England v W. Germany
18: Mexico City
19: Italy v W. Germany
20: The Final – Brazil v Italy
21: Time To Go Home…
22: Afterthoughts
23: And Finally
The Contributors
Jasper Cook
Patrick Burke
Peter Logan
Stanley Lewis
Alan Mullery
Dave Blake (Editor)
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