Alan Mullery: I lived through every emotion on that trip and made friendships that have lasted a lifetime. There was a wonderful camaraderie between Alf and all the players… It was a special time in all our lives.   Peter Logan: …

And Finally Read more »

Alan Mullery: Losing in the 1970 World Cup was shattering, but overall the tournament was a marvellous experience, a real adventure…   Patrick Burke: On reflection, it was better than any tournament since in my opinion. Mexico ‘70 was special. I …

Afterthoughts Read more »

We’re Tired and We Want To Go Home Peter Logan: By this stage everyone wanted to get home really.    Jasper Cook: I think we might have headed back the next day. We were flying from Guadalajara.    Stanley Lewis: We stayed …

Time To Go Home… Read more »

Semi-Final Wednesday June 17th 1970 – Kick-Off: 4pm Stanley Lewis: We went by coach (to the stadium). I did notice that there was no sort of decorations anywhere to say that there was a World Cup going on. Thing is …

Italy v W. Germany Read more »

The Journey Peter Logan: The next day we headed down to Mexico City. I think that was already set-up as part of our itinerary – though I’m sure we would’ve been staying in Guadalajara had England been playing the semi-final …

Mexico City Read more »

The Quarter Final Sunday June 14th 1970 – Kick-Off: Midday Alan Mullery: We all had breakfast and were sitting on the coach by 10.30am… we were still supremely confident; we knew we could beat the Germans.   Stanley Lewis: Leon was …

England v W. Germany Read more »

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Peter Logan: We had tickets but we didn’t go.    Patrick Burke: Not all the England’s supporters went to see the game. (England v West Germany). Some people went to Acapulco instead, as that …

And So To Leon Read more »

2nd Group Game The Build-Up… Peter Logan: We were back at the stadium the next day to see Brazil easily beat Czechoslovakia 4-1.   Patrick Burke: We then witnessed Brazil’s 4-1 win against Czechoslovakia. The Czechs scored first and their scorer …

England v Brazil… Read more »